What is Erotic Hypnossage™?

I am so excited to be partnering with Rayvn Ryder to bring you a new experience that is sure to shift your reality, expand your pleasure, and alter your consciousness in ways you never thought possible! 

Who is Rayvn Ryder?

Rayvn Ryder has been pioneering the forefront of Conscious Erotic Hypnosis Audios for the last several years. Her audios have helped thousands of men reprogram old beliefs, master their sexuality and escape into a fantasy world of pleasure and bliss. Rayvn’s themes and suggestions are always meant to empower men into complete empowerment and harness the god-like essence which lies within all men. She had a thriving community of Youtube followers before her channel was erroneously taken down. You can now find her catalog of guided erotic journeys on her website: www.RayvnRyder.com/store

Together we will be co-creating an experience for you that will combine my top-rated bodywork skills and her audio hypnosis creations.

What is Erotic Hypnossage?

Erotic Hypnossage™ is the combination of Erotic Massage in Denver with Sydney Sol and Erotic Audio Hypnosis by Rayvn Ryder. 

What is hypnosis? 

Hypnosis is defined as a human condition involving focused attention, reduced awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestions and reprogramming. 

There are 6 brainwaves. Brainwaves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other. Our brainwaves change according to what we’re doing and feeling. When slower brainwaves are dominant we can feel tired, slow, sluggish, or dreamy. The higher frequencies are dominant when we feel wired, or hyper-alert. 

The 6 waves are:

  • Beta: is the normal waking state, which is measured at a frequency of 14-28 cycles per second. 

  • Gamma: occurs when a person is processing stimuli and grouping things into a coherent whole. It is not a state of mind. It occurs during beta and is the fastest of brainwaves at 38-42 cycles per second

  • Alpha: is a relaxed state which is inductive to visualization and creativity. The alpha wave pattern occurs during a brainwave frequency from 9 to 14 cycles per second. 

  • Theta: occurs during REM Sleep. The brain shows a theta wave pattern from 4 to 8 cycles per second. Theta brain waves can be considered the subconscious. It is the first stage of the phase where people dream. 

  • Delta: is the sleep state. The brain shows a delta wave pattern from 1 to 4 cycles per second. 

  • Infra-Low: Very little is known about this state but they appear to take a major role in brain timing and network function. It is measured below .5 hz. 

The point of hypnosis is to reach the THETA STATE. If one is able to consciously reach the Theta state, magical things are able to happen! What are these magical things that can happen in the Theta state?

What are the Benefits?

  • GREATER STAMINA: One is open to the power of suggestion which can help guide a man towards pleasure with greater stamina and lasting ability.

  • GREATER PLEASURE: Shields which have been in place to protect the body due to trauma can be released which can allow for greater pleasure and full-body orgasms.

  • GREATER PRESENCE: Some people may feel uncomfortable during a massage as they are not used to being in the receiving position. This type of sensory deprivation and guided experience helps ease any discomfort you may have, allowing you to fully let go in a way you may never have before.

  • POSITIVE REPROGRAMMING: Empowering suggestions are able to penetrate the conscious mind and sink into the subconscious mind, allowing for increased confidence, self-empowerment and self-love.

  • INCREASED FOCUS AND CREATIVITY: Practicing hypnotic visualization in this way is like the ultimate meditation. The part of the brain that governs imagination and fuels your creative potential is like a muscle. By working out the muscle in this way, you may find your creativity, focus and concentration increase over repeated sessions. 

  • INNER DESIRES FULFILLED: Your inner world has the potential to fulfill any desire or fantasy you have had. In this light hypnotic state, you are able to visit those fantasies within your mind with the help of audio and physical guidance. 

What to expect in an Erotic Hypnossage session:

Throughout your session, you will be listening to an erotic audio journey created and produced by Rayvn Ryder. Through positive suggestions and hypnosis, you will be guided into a light state of relaxation and trance. 

Many people have confusion around what hypnosis is due to Hollywood portrayals. Don’t worry you will not lose consciousness and begin clucking around like a chicken! You will be in a fully conscious state of awareness the entire time. Think of it as if you are going, not into the subconscious but rather into the super-conscious! In this state, you are fully aware and yet completely relaxed and present, having forgotten all about the worries of your life. And please remember that all hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis. In this process, nothing can ever be done without your conscious permission and you will be in control the entire time. 

Through integrated choreography, I will be using my hands and body to create a mind-blowing body-to-body massage experience for you that will be unlike anything you have ever experienced. 

During which, all you have to do is follow the voice of Rayvn. It is perfectly normal for the mind to wander during the session. No worries! The subconscious mind is always listening and will send cues to the body even if your mind has wandered. At the end, you will be guided into a peak experience that is sure to leave you in an utter state of awe! 

Finally, there will be a brief period of integration, guiding you to feel everything that you created and allowing you time to come back into your body and return to the world, in a much better state, feeling better than you could have ever imagined.

But be warned! There are several possible side effects to a session like this! Will be you be ready for such effects!?

Possible Side-Effects:

~A Feeling of all cares and worries fading away

~Out-of-body experience

~New belief in a higher power

~Desire for more personal growth

~A new connection and love of one's body

~A greater sense of the power that lies within you

~A new positive addiction to my amazing services! 

This is a completely unique experience that is unlike anything you have ever tried! And I know that you love trying new things, you love being ahead of the pack and you love creative erotic thrills! So what are you waiting for!? Book your Erotic Hypnossage session today!


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