Get lucky! Biggest giveaway ever!

Wouldn’t you like to get lucky and finally receive the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that you have so greatly deserved? Now’s your chance!

On one hand, I believe in universal intervention and the idea of luck and fate and on the other hand, I believe that we control our destiny when right-action is taken. With the two combined you can say that I have been both lucky, being blessed with abundance and have worked with enthusiastic dedication and determination to achieve such success in my given field of providing sensual massage, Bondassage and Milking Table massage in the Denver area. 

Because I have been blessed with such abundance I want to give back to the community of men and women who have given me so much. I truly believe that what you put out is what you get back and the more abundance you share outwardly the more abundance you receive inwardly. 

For now, this will be my biggest giveaway ever in the month of March. But who knows…if it feels right I may make this a regular giveaway because I know nothing feels better than when luck strikes upon you and you can feel the appreciation of something entirely free with no strings attached! 

So how do you play? Required as I mentioned is both the luck of the universe and action taken by you. 

  1. Sign-up for my newsletter. You can do this by scrolling down to the footer and entering your information. Don’t worry, your information is always kept private and never shared or spammed. I send out a tasteful newsletter once a month with updates on new services, specials/deals, giveaways and personal tidbits to tantalize your psyche. 

  2. Book an appointment in the month of March (or future months which will be announced in the newsletter). Your name will be placed in my pot of gold which I will draw from at the end of the month. The winner will be privately announced via email and you will have 90 days to book a 100% FREE SENSUAL MASSAGE SESSION OF YOUR CHOOSING. Book multiple times and have multiple chances to win.

  3. Send your wish out to the universe and ask for luck to strike down upon you! 

I am so excited for this opportunity to give back and to offer one lucky Denver client the erotic massage session of their dreams!


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