ASMR Erotic Hypnossage™ {Lite}: Starters Session

Not sure about my new Erotic Hypnossage™ offering? What is Erotic Hypnossage™? Check out this blog to learn more. This journey can be enlightening, incredibly relaxing and dare I say, even life-changing to some! However, this journey can be a bit much for those that may not have experience with hypnosis, meditation or visualization. But don’t worry, I have a unique session that still activates the power of Erotic Hypnossage™ but with a lighter spin. 

Rayvn Ryder has created a new hypnotic journey that is sure to delight and seduce novices and experts alike. The latest addition to my catalog and repertoire is ASMR Erotic Hypnossage™. Simply put this would be just as if you were listening to music during your massage but enhanced with erotic moans, ASMR sounds, empowering affirmations and tuned to 432hz frequency. 

What are the benefits of ASMR Erotic Hypnossage™?

So why would you choose to listen to this track rather than any other relaxing musical track? Well, the difference is night and day. Without doing anything at all, you are reaping the amazing benefits that will follow you well beyond the time we spend together. There is no need to follow along. There is no need to pay attention. All you have to do is simply relax and let the power of this quantum technology do its job. 

  • Breathwork: Throughout the track, there are gentle reminders to breathe. One of the biggest secrets to full body pleasure is through the breath. Often we forget to breathe deeply which can prevent tightness from leaving the body. When the breath is deep and the body is open, you are able to expand your pleasure throughout your entire body. 

  • Affirmations: Through the breath and your ability to relax, you will go into a deeper brainwave state known as Alpha or Theta. In these states, your subconscious is able to be penetrated and reprogrammed. You don’t even have to be aware of this process. Without having to do a thing, the empowering affirmations throughout the track will embed deep into your subconscious, helping to reprogram negative programs that may be holding you back from your highest potential. 

  • Moans and ASMR Sounds: We are all empathic beings with mechanisms called Mirror Neurons. These mirror neurons mirror human behavior and emotion. As empathic beings, we are able to feel more pleasure when we are sharing that pleasure with another. With the addition of erotic moans and sounds throughout, you may feel like you are embodying not just your own pleasure but that of another. 

  • Sensory Deprivation: Maybe you have tried headphones during your massage before. If so, you know how amazing this experience can be when you can shut out the outside world and discover the power you hold within. It allows one to see how powerful the mind is and how amazing the world of imagination can be. Here is truly where all of creation begins. With so much happening in the world around us, being sensory deprived and going inward is an important practice to build intuition, connect with something greater and imagine the world you desire. Add a whole new layer to this process with ASMR Erotic Hypnossage and see how your inner world becomes reflected outwardly. 


  • Enhance pleasure

  • Increase libido

  • Achieve full-body orgasms

  • Increase relaxation 

  • Increase feelings of safety and acceptance

  • Reprogram negative beliefs and thought patterns

  • Enhance your sensory deprivation experience

Who this session is good for:

Erotic Hypnossage™ may feel a bit confronting and overwhelming for those that have little or no experience with visualization and meditation. That’s why Rayvn Ryder has created this session which is a great starting point for those new to these modalities. But also, you may be someone that is experienced with visualization but you are just wanting to try something new and go into your own inner space, accompanied by something hot and sexy. That is perfect too! The great part about this offering is that it really is perfect for everyone at every level of experience. 

Great if you are…

  • New to visualization, meditation and hypnosis

  • Wanting to add another layer of spice to your massage

  • Wanting to gain the benefits of affirmations

  • Needing some light guidance into relaxation and comfort

  • Wanting the experience of mutual gratification

  • Just wanting to try something new and fun!

So whether you are new to hypnosis or a seasoned pro, I’m sure you will love adding this new sexy layer to your sensory deprivation experience. So what are you waiting for? Let’s give it a try!



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