The art of Edging & Teasing

There is a place between desire and explosion where you can experience sensations of pleasure and bliss like you have never known. There is a dance that happens on the edge of your most ecstatic pleasure that is my favorite place to play with! There are many benefits to practicing the art of Edging and Teasing. Stay tuned to find out what those amazing benefits are!

What is Edging & Teasing

Edging & Teasing is the practice of creating waves of pleasure that nearly hit their peak and then backing off to let the energy settle and then ramping it up, again and again and again. 

The Art of Edging & Teasing

It takes a skilled practitioner to Edge & Tease properly. It takes someone that can read the energy of the body to know how high the energy is and precisely when to back off. There is a point of no return and once that edge is crossed the process cannot continue. After years of refining my craft I have become a master at reading the energy of the body. No need to tell me, your body tells me exactly what I need to know and how far it is able to go. 

Benefits of Edging & Teasing

There are many benefits to the Art of Edging & Teasing. Most people are used to one straight shot. They go up like a rocket and just blast off. But the practice of going up and down, riding the wave and looping around like a circle can have amazing benefits to your sexual, mental and physical body.

  1. More powerful orgasms

    According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine, edging can increase the intensity of orgasm in some people. By building up the energy again and again you are able to expand the pleasure oftentimes leading to full-body orgasms. 

  2. Last longer during sex

    People who experience premature ejaculation may find edging beneficial because it can increase stamina leading to the ability to last longer during intercourse. 

  3. Reach heights of awakened spirituality

    Many spiritual rituals have used edging as a means to reach God. Many have claimed that edging over and over again can take you to spiritual places within and help you feel connected to something higher. 

  4. Connect with your body

    By testing your limits you are able to obtain a deeper connection with your body. As both you and I are listening to your body, you get to see what is possible in ways you maybe never have before. 

  5. Full body relaxation

    Many times after a session that includes edging one feels full body relaxation. This is because the nervous system is expanded like a muscle being worked out and then down-regulates into a deep parasympathetic state where it is able to fully relax and regenerate. 

As a master at the Art of Edging & Teasing, I would love to help you discover how far and high your body can go. Let me know in your next session if you would like to play with the Art of Edging & Teasing! 



TIPS: How to relax before and during a session


I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for ASS CREAM!