New Year: New You!

It is that time again! Time to pack up the holiday decorations and be done with packing on holiday weight! It is a time when life somewhat goes back to normal and we get the opportunity to turn the page to a blank sheet with new motivation and inspiration. It is the time where we get to write a new story that we would like to play out in the coming year. 

What story do you want to write this year? Not exactly sure? Below I will share some ideas that might inspire you and I will share some of my goals and resolutions for the new year. 



First I would like to put a bow on 2021 and wrap it up properly. All I can say is that 2021 was pretty nice for me. I could see around me, the obvious suffering and the upheaval as the world continues to purge its darkness. But my strong constitution has always been my blessing in that I have always been able to be the calming, stable force amongst the storm around me. I can sit still, continue to do my thing, and just observe the blowing winds and thunderous lightning from the eye of the storm. So this year I proudly say I was able to make the shift to go full-time, I was able to take a few vacations, I was able to maintain a beautiful studio space, I was able to maintain my health,  and most of all, I was able to see so many amazing clients and have so much fun through healing, sensuality and the power of erotic touch! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being brave in this climate and for continuing to find the importance in my services! 



1 Healthy Observation:

According to the many predictions and the trajectory of where we have been and where we are going, it looks like 2022 could have some bumps in store for us. My main wish for you in this upcoming year would be the gift of non-reactive sight. It is important for us to see what is going on around us as we examine important topics like freedom, connection, climate, health and change. The first step towards change and peaceful resolutions is for us to see what we collectively have created and see what is truly important for the future of humanity.

2. Self Care:

The next tip I would recommend is LOTS of SELF CARE! Of course, this includes LOTS of visits to come see me! Touch, feeling, release and healthy escape are essential for mental, physical and spiritual health. 

3. Make it a routine

My final recommendation is to create a regular self-care routine. That means planning ahead. Sometimes we can forget about our needs until they begin to present themselves outwardly through negative reactions and symptoms. But if you schedule and plan ahead you can meet your needs, before they meet you. So put it in your calendar and plan to book your session with me in regular successions. Things to consider: your budget, how much touch you need, what your schedule allows. Twice a month, for optimal mental, physical and spiritual satisfaction is the best but once a month is also a great plan! 



One fun goal I have is to take at least one long, extended vacation and to learn how to Scuba Dive and then Scuba Dive somewhere! But mostly my goals are to keep expanding my spiritual experience. 

The homeostasis of the body, not only depends on physical factors but mental and spiritual as well. I would like to maintain my healthy lifestyle while trying and learning new things. 

I am an Omnist, I believe all religions are right in some manner. I practice kindness, love and peace.  I have a dark side that I have learned to embrace and use in the most magnificent of ways. It has turned into a gift instead of a curse. I plan to keep becoming a better version of myself each day, to become a master of my craft and live to my highest potential, God willing. 

 What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Share in the comments below or tell me during our next meeting.

Blessing to you for a beautiful, prosperous, joyous new year!


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