How to Surrender in a Session

One of the main issues I see with my clients is an inability to surrender and let go. There are many reasons for this, there are many ways to work on this and there are many benefits that come from surrendering. Read on to find out more…

Reasons why you may have an issue surrendering:

  • Desire for control due to fear of the unknown or a fear of losing control

    This is very common because of our programmed fear of the unknown. We fear what we can’t control so we try to hold on as if this will protect us from the unknown. Others may want to hold on for fear of losing control of themselves. It may be fearful to lose inhibitions and find out what truly lies within so some find it easier to hold on and not allow themselves to go too deep. 

  • Trauma around touch

    Our culture often has many scars around safe touch and personal space. Often our bodies unconsciously create a protective armor that prevents us from feeling as deeply as we are able to and letting go as fully as we’d like. 

  • Fear of trusting someone's ability to take care of you

    I get it! is a rare gift to find a provider that you feel you can actually fully let go with and trust that you will be taken care of. Subconsciously we often expect the worst and aren’t able to let go until our bodies feel safe in the presence of a true, nurturing energy. 

  • Inability to be present due to a distracted mind

    Our lifestyles are all about doing, doing, doing. Rarely do we have time to focus on just being. This often can make it difficult to turn everything off and simply let go. 

  • Stress and inability to relax

    This goes hand in hand with the above. When our bodies are constantly in a state of fight or flight, due to constant stress, our sympathetic nervous system can get stuck in this mode and it can be hard to let go. 

  • Inability to be in the receiving role

    The masculine role is often seen as the provider, the doer and the giver. Often it can be more difficult for men than for women to be able to let go and simply receive. 

  • First-time nervousness or anxiety 

    It is very common to feel nervous or anxious the first time you are seeing a new provider. This can often lead to tension in the body and one might find it hard to surrender. 

  • Sexual shame

    If the mind has a program that says what you are doing is wrong, the body will react by closing down and tensing up which can make surrendering difficult. 

All things that lead to surrender are a practice. They take time, effort, dedication and repetition to rewire old patterns. Here are some practices that can help.

How to Surrender

  • Practice Trust

    I know it can be hard to find a trustworthy practitioner and maybe life has shown you in the past that it is not safe to trust in this vulnerable world of sexuality. However, I work incredibly hard to create a safe space for you. I have been doing this for many years and it is always my top priority to make sure you feel comfortable, safe and completely taken care of. Together we can practice the art of letting go and we can go as slow as necessary. 

  • Meditation

    Meditation is a great way to work on calming the mind, letting go of daily stresses and reprogramming the nervous system to rest and reset. 

  • Therapy

    There are so many modalities of therapy these days that have shown great results in clearing trauma and releasing sexual shame. This can be a great add-on to our work.

  • Hypnosis Reprogramming

    Hypnosis audios are a great way to reprogram old patterns and to practice opening up, feeling safe and receiving pleasure. A great place to start is to book one of my Erotic Hypnossage sessions which is guaranteed to put you at ease and help you surrender. 

  • Sensory Deprivation

    The use of sensory deprivation in my sessions helps to lessen the impact of the outside world and helps you to concentrate on the sensations in the present moment. Many clients have been surprised by how much this has helped them to surrender.

  • Practice Receiving

    Self-care is a mastery practice that many have great difficulty with. Practice treating yourself whenever possible, telling yourself that you deserve it! Because it is true. You deserve to treat yourself, receive pleasure and experience bliss in all moments. 

Once you are able to fully let go, the magic that can happen is amazing! 

Benefits of Surrendering:

  • Full-body orgasms

  • Higher levels of pleasure

  • Out of body experience

  • Awaken dormant abilities 

  • Build trust with your body 

  • Receive instant inspiration 

  • Feel a greater connection to something higher

  • Heal physical and emotional pain

How well do you think you are able to surrender? Even if you feel you are pretty good at surrendering, I bet that are spaces within you that can soften, open and let go even more. And interestingly, letting go can actually help you to feel more in control of your life. With this newfound trust in yourself and for life, you may find you feel like a completely new person, capable of creating the life you have always dreamed was possible!

So wherever you are in your ability to surrender, let me help you deepen more and surrender under my expertise skill and care.


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