Although it is a month full of joy and holiday cheer, often times December can be one of the most stressful months of the year. The nights seem longer, the traffic seems heavier, the stores seem busier, the bank account seems lighter and overall stress can become very taxing on the body. There is so much to do, so many people to think about, holiday parties to attend, more drinking and eating and usually less time for YOU. 

So how do you avoid Holiday Burnout!? 

First, let’s discuss, What is Holiday Burnout?

Holiday Burnout is when all the stress of the season builds up in the body and can eventually cause a number of symptoms once the taxation has reached it’s limit. 

Symptoms of Holiday Burnout:

  • Exhaustion- So tired you don’t even want to get out of bed. 

  • Brain Fog- Inability to think clearly. Can’t think of the right words and forgetfulness. 

  • Agitation and Aggravation- Constant feeling of irritation for no particular reason. 

  • Outbursts of Anger and Frustration- Being rageful in traffic or snapping at people with unwanted intentions. 

  • Physical symptoms in the body- headache, indigestion, body aches, bowel issues, rashes, etc. 

  • Distracted- Inability to focus on normal tasks.

  • Depression- Feelings of sadness and grief. 

  • Anxiety- Feelings of worry and fear. 

But all of these symptoms can be avoided if you take extra special means to take care of yourself this holiday season. I could name off all of my wellness tips… deep breathing, yoga, healthy food, good sleep, time in nature, etc…. But you already know these, constantly talked about, wellness methods.

 No, instead I am just going to give you one tip, just one, that will change your holiday season for the better…can you guess what that might be?...

Of course, the one thing that can help you enjoy the holiday season with an extra pep in your step and with a heart full of holiday cheer is…

Come and see me! 

That’s right, the only thing you need to do to help avoid all of those uncomfortable Holiday Burnout symptoms is book a session with me. 

Afterward, I promise that you will feel lighter, more relaxed, centered, drained of all heaviness, and filled with loving energy. It is my mission to help relieve all holiday stresses and get you back out into the world feeling better than ever. 

Whether you are reading this before the big XMAS day and need to destress or you have made it through XMAS and need to completely decompress for the new year, come give me a visit. I know you will be glad you did!


POST-HOLIDAY BLUES? - 5 Wellness Tips 
