8 Tips to Prepare for your Session

First-time sessions with a new Provider can be a bit scary. It’s okay to admit it guys! You are doing something brave, something different and jumping into the unknown. All of these things combined are bound to bring up waves of apprehension and anxiety. But oftentimes it is not too hard to shift anxiety into excitement. They are, no doubt, two sides of the same coin. One way to shift anxiety into fear is with preparation! The more prepared you can be for any act of courage the better you will feel, easing much if not all of your nervous anxiety. In this blog, I will give you all the tips you need to prepare for your session so all you have to worry about is how you are going to afford to make me part of your regular self-care routine! 


  1. Thoroughly read through my website

    My website has a wealth of information! It is best to start here:

    Blogs: I have an extensive catalog of blogs that will inform you about my different offerings, advice on how to choose a session, etiquette during a session and much, much more. So get reading! 

    FAQ: Also, be sure to read through my FAQ page. Most questions that you may be wondering can be found here. 

    Testimonials: Curious about what to expect and needing some reassurance that you made the right decision? Reading through testimonials from my many satisfied clients is sure to pump you up and get you excited about our time together. My only advice when reading about other people’s experiences is to not use them for compassion or to create expectations. Remember that your session will be uniquely yours and each person receives exactly what they need. 

  2. Prepare for Sensory Deprivation

    Most people that book me know that I am the Queen of Sensory Deprivation. But it can be a bit shocking if you weren’t prepared ahead of time for this added touch. I have very specific reasons for using a Blindfold and Headphones, all of which are for the benefit of your experience. So it is important to remember and prepare for this experience as it will be unlike anything you have ever tried before! 

  3. Take care of all Hygenic needs

    Before coming please be sure you are sparkling clean in all places! All cracks, crevices, pits and bits. I do have a shower in my studio which you can use after the session to clean up but it is best to take care of deep cleaning before you come. This also means grooming your hair in all the important places! 

    If you have had a long day and are coming straight from work you can, of course, use the shower before a session but remember that it will cut into our time. 

    Also, please do not use heavy colognes or lotions. Just come fresh and clean as you naturally are!

  4. Prepare the prostate

    If you are having a prostate or pegging session, please be sure to thoroughly clean out before you come. If you are just receiving a prostate massage a light cleanout is all that is necessary. Using a clean or gloved finger, lightly clean out anything lingering in the anus and use light soap to sterilize. If you are having a pegging session you might want to consider an enema or shower nozzle cleanout. Recommended products: Enema Shower

  5. Eat light and do not drink a lot of fluids

    It is advised not to eat anything heavy at least 2 hours before a session and limit your fluid intake an hour before a session. You will want to drink lots of water after our session to move out anything that wants to leave the body but you don’t want a full bladder going into a session.

  6. Leave plenty of time to find parking

    My studio is located in the heart of Lohi and parking can be difficult. Give yourself an extra 15 or so to make sure you can find a good parking spot. If you come late and cannot find parking it will cut into our time. But if you are here early, please do not show up more than 5 minutes before your scheduled session time. 

  7. Be financially prepared

    Make sure you have exact change in cash and be prepared to place your fee on my Buddha table after our meet and greet.

  8. Be energetically and mentally prepared

    It is best to plan to come on a day when you will not be mentally or energetically burdened (do not schedule a session after a long day of intense meetings). It may sound like a good idea…a fun way to destress but I promise, you will get the most out of your session if you can come on a slow day where you can mentally and energetically prepare. This means slow, mindful movements the day of. Maybe some yoga or a light kinesthetic workout. You might also want to spend some time in meditation mentally preparing for the session and setting an intention for what you are needing at this time. You would be amazed how doing something as simple as setting an intention can amp up the energy of your session. 

That pretty much covers it! I hope this blog helps you feel less anxious and more excited about our time together. I promise, there is nothing to worry about. You are in good hands and there is nothing you need to do or be. Just come as you are and I will take care of the rest! 

*If there is anything I missed, feel free to reach out to my assistant Emily and she will answer any other questions you may have. 


